
This section contains specifications for deliverables that are done, in progress, or actively being planned.


The following deliverables have a specification but are still being planned. As a result, the scope of work and estimated timeline are still being refined.

In progress

The following deliverables are actively being worked on and we have estimated a target date for delivery. However, as we continue to work on this deliverable, unknown risks and other factors may influence the scope or timeline.


The following deliverables have been completed.

Change log

Major updates to the content of this page will be added here.



Initial Content

Updated with Initial content


Moved GET Opportunities from "In Progress" to "Done"

Updated during 30k review meeting on 4/10


Moved Open source onboarding from "In Progress" to "Done"

30k identified as completed on 4/24 at 30k review meeting


Move Co-design Group to "Done", updated Planning and In Progress specs

Identified as complete in 30K review on 5/8

Last updated