How to contribute issues

User guide for contributing issues to our GitHub.

Filing Issues on GitHub

Simpler Grants uses GitHub as our primary work tracker. If you encounter any bugs, have feature requests, or want to provide feedback, filing an issue is the way to go. This guide will help you understand how to properly file issues and contribute to improving our projects.

Getting Started

Make sure that all issues follow the Simpler Grants code of conduct. We understand that experiencing issues with software can be frustrating, especially when it prevents you from doing work. However, please remember that there is a human on the other side who will be reading your issue and responding to it.

1. Navigate to Issues

  • Go to the repository on GitHub where you want to file the issue.

2. Click on "Issues"

  • Click on the "Issues" tab at the top of the repository to view existing issues or file a new one.

3. Check Existing Issues

  • Before filing a new issue, check if a similar issue has already been reported.

  • If you find the a similar issue instead of creating a new issue, react to the existing issue with a thumbs up and comment if you have any additional insights to provide.

Filing a New Issue

1. Click on "New Issue"

  • Click on the green "New Issue" button to start creating a new issue.

2. Choose Issue Template (if available)

  • Some repositories may provide issue templates to help standardize the information provided.

  • Choose the appropriate template


Used for filing reports of existing features in the software not working as expected

Used for creating a request to add a feature that is currently not supported within the software

Used to report a software security issue that you have noticed.

3. Submit the Issue

  • Once you've filled out all the necessary information, click on the "Submit new issue" button to create the issue.

  • We will review the issue and prioritze it within the Simpler Grants Community, we may not respond immediately or directly to you after it has been submitted. Please be patient and understand that we do review all issues and appreciate your participation.

Tips for Filing Issues

  • Be descriptive: Provide as much information as possible to help developers understand and address the issue.

  • Search first: Before filing a new issue, search existing issues to avoid duplicates.

  • Follow guidelines: If the repository has specific guidelines or templates for filing issues, follow them for consistency.

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