Reporting and removing content
If content that violates our above policies is posted in any of our communication channels, please follow the steps below to remove the content. If you are the one who posted it by accident, please remove it if possible. If someone else has posted it or you are in a channel you do not have privileges to delete, please contact the appropriate Simpler Grants administrator to remove it.
Note: Many of the steps to remove content involve contacting platform administrators.
If it was a message that you posted:
Select the
More options
menu (the three vertically stacked dots that appear when you hover over your post)Choose either
Edit message
orDelete message
to remove the content
If it was a message that someone else posted:
Contact a Slack admin
The Slack admin will follow the steps above to delete the post from that channel
Only administrators can remove sensitive content from GitHub because content added to GitHub will remain visible in the history of the codebase until an administrator scrubs it from the repository.
Contact a GitHub administrator who is a software engineer
They will scrub the content from the history of the code repository
Change log
Major updates to the content of this page will be added here.
Initial Content
Updated with Initial content
Removed out of date content
Removed "Google Groups" section which is no longer accurate to team processes.
Last updated
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